Title: Tin Star Salvation Fandom: Justified Author: HalfshellVenus Rating: PG Prompt: Table 66, Prompt #5, picture below Word Count: 311 Characters: Boyd (Gen) Summary (Season 1): By all accounts, Boyd should have been dead.
Title: Anything Fandom: Prison Break Author: HalfshellVenus Rating: PG-13 Prompt: Table 66, Prompt #3, "Locked away where it can't hurt anyone" Word Count: 286 Characters: Michael/Lincoln (one-sided Slash) Summary: There are no limits to what Michael would do for Lincoln.
Title: Hollow Fandom: Supernatural Author: HalfshellVenus Rating: PG Prompt: Table 66, Prompt #2, "This Was All A Trick" Word Count: 100 Characters: Sam (Gen, Drabble) Summary (Season 4): Dean is gone again.